Gwen Dittmar
Breathwork Teacher
Gwen Dittmar is a business and life coach, breathwork healer, and soul guide based in Los Angeles. She has a Masters in Spiritual Psychology, received her B.A. in Psychology and Women's Studies from The University of Delaware, and is a Certified Breathwork Facilitator and Teacher. She's also a Usui Reiki Master and is currently studying shamanism.
Gwen integrates 17 years of pharmaceutical, biotech, and device consulting, management, and auditing, as well as 12 years of experience in trauma healing, sobriety, wellness, breathwork, and soul medicine.
She draws upon her intuitive gifts and her own personal healing journey from disease to well-being, addiction to sobriety, corporate to entrepreneurship, singlehood to being a mother of two, and marriage to divorce. In addition to coaching virtual and in-person executive, corporate, and individual clients, Gwen offers group coaching and online courses and is available for public speaking engagements.
Gwen specializes in helping high-achievers use life lessons as their greatest spiritual opportunities. You can listen to Gwen coach clients on a myriad of business and life challenges in her podcast, The Beautiful Grit. Her coaching tips and tools have also been featured in Well & Good, and is a member of the Forbes Coach Council.
connect with Gwen Dittmar
What is your wellness philosophy?
Wellness is an evolution meaning we are always opening to deeper levels of wellness based on where we are in our lives. Wellness includes a multitude of layers of consciousness mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, energetic wellness. Wellness is also multidimensional because as a human race we are awakening to new paradigms of healing and well being.
What brought you into wellness?
I was a seeker and had psychic gifts as a child and struggled with an undiagnosable disease and near death experience as a teenager. I felt so alone because none of my friends, classmates, teammates understood what it felt like to be sick and to have a near death. I made a determination at that time in my life to be healthy again so I could support others who were struggling with disease and health. I knew that I would only be able to serve others as far as I'd been willing to go. Every choice through life since then, from what I studied in college, to the line of work that I entered after college, moving through alcoholism to sobriety, healing that disease from childhood, becoming pregnant when I was told I wouldn't be able to, has been driven by the mission to use everything in my life to heal and help others.
What does You. We. All. mean to you?
You to me means that we first must heal ourselves before we can heal others. We is the greater purpose behind that whatever we experience and heal, which is that our experience can help at least one other person. All to me means the greater purpose as to why we are on this earth together. We all come here to earth to help each other heal, in multidimensional ways, from the people that trigger or hurt us, to the people that inspire and love us.
What gets you up in the morning?
I feel so grateful to be alive and to be given another opportunity to allow my human vessel and life to serve others, and to let my human life be a place where I get to learn and love fully.