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Commerce Guidelines

How we choose products for mbg market:

Your journey to well-being is a robust process that integrates all aspects of life—including the product you use. Our team is dedicated to finding the right option for you with an intense vetting process that always accounts for your overall well-being.

Products are thoroughly reviewed for not only their impact on you but also on the environment. Whether you’re seeking a supplement or searching for sustainable sneakers, we’re committed to only recommending the best.

What does that mean?

Before covering a product, we scour the internet to find what’s leading the market. We then aim to test as many best-selling or innovative products as possible. When we can’t test a product firsthand, we comb reviews to determine how top-rated customers stack up—and then put them to the mbg market test.

This means applying mbg’s editorial emphasis on holistic health to every product that we select. We pour over beauty formulas to ensure our final picks don’t include concerning ingredients. The materials used to make bed sheets are just as important as the ingredients going into your protein bars, and we always consider the overall impact of your purchase.

Our mission is to provide sustainable picks with a long lifespan that hold up to the test year after year (or decade after decade). It’s also important to us that you find the right product the first time you search for it, which means we consider a range of budgets and personal needs in our recommendations.

How do affiliate linkings work?

Once products are selected by our editorial team, we review potential affiliate relationships and direct brand partnership. We may earn commission from select links, but an affiliate link is not required for editorial inclusion. Despite these existing relationships, we don’t recommend products that our team doesn’t believe in and never allow our affiliate partners to dictate how (or if) we cover a product. Occasionally, we may negotiate rates with our affiliate partners before releasing coverage, but editorial independence is key for mindbodygreen’s writers and editors.

What about free samples?

It’s no secret that editorial teams often receive free product samples. As a rule of thumb, our editorial team never promises coverage when accepting a product to test. We also disclose when a sample is free to maintain editorial integrity. Most importantly, we never recommend a product that we don’t truly believe in.