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Release Resistance & Find Acceptance With This Guided Meditation

Susy Schieffelin, RYT-500
April 10, 2020
Susy Schieffelin, RYT-500
Yoga Teacher & Reiki Master
By Susy Schieffelin, RYT-500
Yoga Teacher & Reiki Master
Susy is a yoga teacher, reiki master, and sound healer based in Los Angeles. She has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Vogue, and The Los Angeles Times, among other publications.
Woman with closed eyes lying in Shavasana pose on concrete floor while doing yoga
Image by Alina Hvostikova / Stocksy
April 10, 2020

As we all deal with the ramifications of the coronavirus pandemic, one factor some of us could be struggling with is acceptance: acceptance of the need to stay home, acceptance of sickness or the loss of loved ones, and acceptance that life as we knew it has been forever changed.

During these challenging times, practicing mindfulness and meditation can go a long way for grounding and mental fortitude. Here is a 10-minute guided meditation focused on acceptance and surrender that can help you drop into your body, release resistance, and find your center amid the madness. To drop in, find somewhere you can sit comfortably (or even lie down, if that's what you need) and will be uninterrupted.

Let's begin.

Acceptance is an ongoing process, so come back to this meditation any time you need. It can be especially helpful before bed if your mind is having a hard time quieting down. Try to be gentle and patient with yourself, and remember we're all in this together. Namaste.

Susy Schieffelin, RYT-500 author page.
Susy Schieffelin, RYT-500
Yoga Teacher & Reiki Master

Susy Schieffelin is a Certified Yoga Instructor (RYT 550 / IKYTA), reiki master, and sound healer based in Los Angeles. She received her BA in Religious Studies and East Asian Studies from the University of Virginia and has a diploma in Classic Culinary Arts from the French Culinary Institute. Her work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Vogue, and The Los Angeles Times, among other publications. She considers it her mission is to help illuminate the path to self-love and help people remember how powerful they truly are.